Up All Night: New Orleans is brought to you in association with The AllWays Lounge: Serving up the best burlesque, drag and variety shows every single night of the week in the Marigny.
Skip the chat, take me to me this week’s shows!
We’ve got one of the most packed weeks for shows so far this year. October and Halloween season hove into view, and spookily-themed shows are creeping into the schedule. This week, we preview a new dark musical in an interview with Trey Bien about The Night Fiona Flawless Went Mad, and our roving reporter Dorian Hatchett reviews the first night of the amazing Penny Dreadfuls: The Remarkable Rooming House of Madame le Monde. If you haven’t clicked through in a while, give us a go - we’ve really grown and expanded our coverage of the city, thanks largely to your generosity. So, thank you, and have a wonderful week whatever you’re getting into. Much love.
Paul O
Click here for this week’s Up All Night: New Orleans
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